Monday, October 14, 2013

Iban, Kenyah, Kelabit, Kayan,Murut, do you regret voting for BN and they ask the kangaroo judges to stop you using Allah!

Sarawakian should start a referendum to either stay in Malaysia or not since the Kangaroo judges appointed by the UMNO goons ask the Christian in Malaysia stop using the word Allah in their prayers after more than 100 years doing so. What a joke, Malaysia!

Friday, August 30, 2013

The most Racist Bigot OF Malaysia 2013

The most Racist Bigot OF Malaysia 2013, Mohd Nasir headmaster of SK Pristina was let of the hook by UMNO goons as expected after racist remaks and also making police report against parents as well as allow police to interrogate the non muslim children in the school.

He is to be sacked for his incompetency but instead got rewarded for being racist.

Malaysia UMNO boleh!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Change for a better Malaysia.......Inikalilah

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rakyat Sarawak kenalilah Pengkhianat dan Perasuah terbesar di Sarawak dan Di Malaysia.....Taib Mahmud.....


Kalau anda mengundi Taib Mahmud dan Saudara serta Kongsi Gelapnya  dalam Pilihanraya akan datang....... Anda adalah "Penghuni Rumah Setinggan Di Tanah Kerajaan" yang paling daif.....

Macam mana boleh sesebuah kerajaan di dunia ini seperti Barisan Nasional Sarawak yang memanggil rakyat sendirinya Penghuni Rumah Setinggan dimana tanah anda boleh diambil kerajaan sesuka hati dan dijual kepada rakyat asing untuk mengaut keuntungan.....

Taib Mahmud dan Keluarganya serta Rakan Kongsi dalam BN Sarawak adalah Pengkhianat Bangsa dan Negara....Sarawak

Sarawakian house consider squatters on state wonder no freehold title for land for houses in Sarawak.

In this youtube video you will find that the Taib and Family considered the Sarawak land theirs by calling the indigenous people be it Iban, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah, Penan....... illegal squatters staying on state land.......

Now I know why the new house in Sarawak never get freehold title because .... u just bought a squatters on the state land..........