Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sharizat the bitch who lost the election and become a backdoor minister "praised " the BTN and lick Muhydin's Ass!

This bitch called Datuk Sharizat is licking the Muhyddin Yassin bastard Ass in order to keep her minister post by saying that how much she love BTN....Off courselah....The BTN (Biro Tatanegara) is for UMNO bastards self gratifying and is made compulsory for all civil servants who enter the service or later need to go overseas for training.
I hope more people will exposed their experience on the net to show to the world how disgusting this UMNO propanganda is!
Friday, November 27, 2009
This guy name Muhyddin bastard is the defacto MCA president and manage to order the MCA to shut up!

After months of infighting by MCA (Malay Control Association), finally the MMA warlords like Silly Chua, Ong Teh Kek and Liow .......had finally be ordered to shut up by Muhyddin bastard, the defacto MCA chief and president.
MCA is irelevant for chinese as they are puppets in the government appointed by Najis of UMNO bastards.
BTN is a place where they taught that Christian and non muslim group are terrorists as well as PAS is militia! BTN shame of the country!

BTN (Biro Tatanegara) is indeed a psychological welfare by UMNO bastard to maintain their control in the country. It is more like Communism or Nazism to instil fear anad blind loyalty with these bastards who corrupted the country.
One example is to teach the civil servant to give the multimillion contract to the UMNO related companies even if they are substandard or a "ghost" company! They are warn not to allow any other company to get the contract or else they wil be "get rid of"!!
Apart of that they keep reminding the non muslim to "shut up" and be obidient in the country because thay had traded freedom for citizenship 50 years ago! This is like the holocast and genocide propaganda in the country!
Many more examples is surfacing including calling Christian group like Sidang Injil Borneo as the terrorist group!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sekarang giliran Berita Harian bersikap biadap melaungkan isu perkauman!Si bangsat Kunta Kinte mula tak sabar diri!
Selepas Utusan Malaysia menjdi suara kepada bangsatUMNO sekian lama, kini tibanya masa giliran Berita Harian menunjukkan sikap perkauman extrem .......oleh Kunta Kinte.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Malaysian Christians and especially Catholic will never trust the UMNO bastards after what they did to The Herald papers and "Allah"" issue!

After the UMNO bastards ban Christians in the country from mentioning the word Allah in their prayer and also give all excuse to prevent Herald from being published.
It is high time the Christian and more so the Catholics to vote the UMNO bastards out of the government before they do more demage to the harmony of the country.
The christians in Sabah and Sarawak should realised that the UMNO bastards are just ignoring their freedom of speech and religion...Kick them out!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
This MCA scumbag Yeow Chai Thiam knows how to carry balls and when to switch side! He is so scared now after Ong sacked 4 CC member!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Stupid Backdoor Minister Koh Tsu Koon appointed by UMNO bastard Najis Tun Razak!
Monday, November 2, 2009
1 Racist Malaysia! Deprieved many of equal treatment in the Bolehland!
Read this article and you will understand what do you mean by 1Racist Malaysia promoted by Najis from the bastard UMNO government!
Read this article and you will understand what do you mean by 1Racist Malaysia promoted by Najis from the bastard UMNO government!
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