The Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Kayan, Kenyah....and many Sarawakian and Sabahan are such idiots and remain to be so for many years! They are already far behind the Malays in West Malaysia but their stupidity and igorance make them think otherwise! Thay remain to be loyal to the UMNO bastards agent in Sarawak, namely PBB, SUPP, SPDP, PRS......although this greedy agents bastards took their land and sell it to the UMNO bastards.
I doubt thare will be any change in the coming election in Sarawak or Sabah because it is well known that you can buy a stuid Iban or Kadazan vote with just a packet of Maggi mee! They are just uneducated and "bodoh" as seen by a West Malaysian!
Luckily....we are not in this land of stupid hornbils!
Are you supposed to be the Perez Hilton of Malaysian politics or something? Perhaps more ignorant? It's hard to take you seriously when your blog is laden with profanity and painfully inaccurate stereotypes of certain races in Malaysia. The assumption that Iban, Kadazan, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah are ALL stupid idiots is fallacious to say the very least. The ratio of educated East Malaysians is considerably higher to those of the less privileged, uneducated ones. You should also consider the idea that a large portion of the underprivileged natives are coerced into voting for the ruling party. Pleaselah, stop being naive okay. The political situation in the Western part of Malaysia is just as grave as those of the Eastern part of this country. Penang is probably the only state for now to have topple the UMNO hegemony. Instead of spewing out fraudulent assumptions about East Malaysia, why not try criticizing the system that lies therein. Do your research and quit being sanctimonious.
Come on ...Just admit that the native in the Bolehland is so ignorance and idiot that they support the UMNO bastard....blindly. Being poor doesn't mean you have to stupid but these native are plain stupid.
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