Even the Malays are leaving the country.......what more about the other races!!!
If we stay, we should first get rid of UMNO and BN who are too corrupted!
Another posting in malaysiakini
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
1Malaysia = Najib minus Muhyiddin minus UMNO bastards = One man show ! To cheat the igorant Malaysians! Remember Pak Lah's slogan "kerja bersama saya"

The slogan of "1 Malaysia " is just another slogan to cheat the ignorant Malaysian in given UMNO more time to corrupt and continue their bastardization of the nation.
Remember before this when Pak Lah just become the prime minister, he also had a lot of slogan like "kerja bersama saya, bukan untuk saya" (Work with me and not for me) as well as "I had a big ear to listen to the people " and finally.....what did he accomplished? Another 5 years of corruption by the UMNO , police, anti corruption agency, judges, JPJ, Imigration, Air force, Navy........and a long list! After all Malaysian including non Malays believe him and give him a" Chance" just like what Najib is trying to court us again!
So Malaysian, if you truly wants changes throw UMNO out! It is too late to give them a betray us again after 53 years merdeka!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The reason why the UMNO goons are being called bastards!

The UMNO goons that are running the country at this moment are none other than some greedy bastards who are corrupting the people money for fattening themselves and their offsprings!
They will use racism, religious intolerance, police brutality, corruption and manipulation of the judicial system in Malaysia to cotinue their domination in Malaysia despite almost losing their power in the last election!
They make Malaysians the laughing stalk of all nations over the world .....and make Malaysia the "Zimbabwe of South East Asia"!
They deserved to be called the UMNO bastards of Malaysia!
This 2 UMNO and ex-UMNO bastards are planning to removed Najib Tun Razak by becoming ulta - racist and ultra -Malay sadist!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
This bastard Abdul Rauf is a bloody racist and wanna to spread violence and racism in London! Britain should ban him from enter the country!

The UMNO bastard are trying to spread violence and terrorism among the Malays even when they are studying overseas......
Rauf’s own goals — Ahmad Naim Mazlan
FEB 14 — I read with utter amusement the ‘denial’ issued by Datuk Abdul Rauf Yusoh with regards to the racist comments I reported he made at a talk in London.
Amusement because the remarks he made appeared to be not so much a denial of what I reported he said in London, as it was a self-implicating tirade.
And amusement because in his attempt at denying what I know I heard, he managed to sneak in the excuse for the ages — that my Bahasa Melayu was not good enough to understand what was said.
Nevermind that his latter remark was probably laced with some misplaced sense of superior authenticity as a Malay — after all, mana mungkin anak Melayu di tanah orang mampu fasih bahasa sendiri — the notion that I misheard what he said because of poor command of the language is quite nonsensical.
You don’t mishear because of poor command of language; you mishear because, in a manner of speaking, your ears mix up certain words in the language. Try as a might, I really cannot conceive of any way I could have misheard the sentence “Jangan biar bangsa asing pijak kepala kita”.
Well, let’s give it a shot here anyhow. Could it have been “Jangan biar gangsa asing pijak kelapa”? Or maybe “Lengan liar pusing dipijak hina”? How about the many minutes of defending the disgraced Datuk Nasir Safar?
With all due respect to Datuk Nasir (I believe he is still due some) and his perfectly good name, am I now correct to think that Datuk Rauf was talking about “pasir” or “pasar” all along?
Equally amusing was the fact that in denying that he said one offensive remark during the talk, he managed to reveal another. Datuk Rauf told The Malaysian Insider that in the session, he said “Malays must sustain power in order to gain respect from the Chinese and other races”.
Clearly, Datuk Rauf is implying that he believes the Chinese to be incapable of respect Malays as citizens, nevermind as human beings, regardless of who holds what power. If anything, Datuk Rauf just confirmed the allegations I made initially, that throughout the session, the Chinese were built up as the enemy, not the friend.
Most comical of all was Datuk Rauf’s own-goal when he suggested that racism is appropriate when spoken in private or in mono-ethnic company. When quizzed about his stand on Datuk Nasir’s comments, I quote, “If it was discussed behind a closed door session, its normal, but he said it outside... what he said was not right”.
How nice; how 1Malaysia this must sound. It seems that to Datuk Rauf, it can be normal for Malays to brand non-Malays prostitutes and beggars, and the non-Malays too can spew hatred of the Malays so long as there is no Malay in the room. It’s all good. It’s normal.
I suppose this also explains why he didn’t actually deny making racist comments in London. Datuk Rauf genuinely believes he did no wrong. In his mind, because he spoke in a closed-door session and to an all-Malay audience, whatever extremist views automatically becomes “normal”.
So instead of stating in clear terms whether or not he uttered the things I reported he did, Datuk Rauf preferred to grumble about how the contents of a closed-door ‘lecture’ should never be made public.
His substantial ego would not allow him to issue an unambiguous refutation of my accusations. Instead, it exposed him even more as the racist that he is.
Own goals galore.
* Ahmad Naim Mazlan is a first-year finance and accounting student in London. He is from Malaysia.
FEB 14 — I read with utter amusement the ‘denial’ issued by Datuk Abdul Rauf Yusoh with regards to the racist comments I reported he made at a talk in London.
Amusement because the remarks he made appeared to be not so much a denial of what I reported he said in London, as it was a self-implicating tirade.
And amusement because in his attempt at denying what I know I heard, he managed to sneak in the excuse for the ages — that my Bahasa Melayu was not good enough to understand what was said.
Nevermind that his latter remark was probably laced with some misplaced sense of superior authenticity as a Malay — after all, mana mungkin anak Melayu di tanah orang mampu fasih bahasa sendiri — the notion that I misheard what he said because of poor command of the language is quite nonsensical.
You don’t mishear because of poor command of language; you mishear because, in a manner of speaking, your ears mix up certain words in the language. Try as a might, I really cannot conceive of any way I could have misheard the sentence “Jangan biar bangsa asing pijak kepala kita”.
Well, let’s give it a shot here anyhow. Could it have been “Jangan biar gangsa asing pijak kelapa”? Or maybe “Lengan liar pusing dipijak hina”? How about the many minutes of defending the disgraced Datuk Nasir Safar?
With all due respect to Datuk Nasir (I believe he is still due some) and his perfectly good name, am I now correct to think that Datuk Rauf was talking about “pasir” or “pasar” all along?
Equally amusing was the fact that in denying that he said one offensive remark during the talk, he managed to reveal another. Datuk Rauf told The Malaysian Insider that in the session, he said “Malays must sustain power in order to gain respect from the Chinese and other races”.
Clearly, Datuk Rauf is implying that he believes the Chinese to be incapable of respect Malays as citizens, nevermind as human beings, regardless of who holds what power. If anything, Datuk Rauf just confirmed the allegations I made initially, that throughout the session, the Chinese were built up as the enemy, not the friend.
Most comical of all was Datuk Rauf’s own-goal when he suggested that racism is appropriate when spoken in private or in mono-ethnic company. When quizzed about his stand on Datuk Nasir’s comments, I quote, “If it was discussed behind a closed door session, its normal, but he said it outside... what he said was not right”.
How nice; how 1Malaysia this must sound. It seems that to Datuk Rauf, it can be normal for Malays to brand non-Malays prostitutes and beggars, and the non-Malays too can spew hatred of the Malays so long as there is no Malay in the room. It’s all good. It’s normal.
I suppose this also explains why he didn’t actually deny making racist comments in London. Datuk Rauf genuinely believes he did no wrong. In his mind, because he spoke in a closed-door session and to an all-Malay audience, whatever extremist views automatically becomes “normal”.
So instead of stating in clear terms whether or not he uttered the things I reported he did, Datuk Rauf preferred to grumble about how the contents of a closed-door ‘lecture’ should never be made public.
His substantial ego would not allow him to issue an unambiguous refutation of my accusations. Instead, it exposed him even more as the racist that he is.
Own goals galore.
* Ahmad Naim Mazlan is a first-year finance and accounting student in London. He is from Malaysia.
Non Malays in Malaysia earn a living with hard work and not like Perkasa bastards who wanted everything for their members free and easy! Shame on them

The Perkasa bastard Ibrahim Ali demands the non Malays to give their money to them free as they said this is their "constituition" right! Don't they know that these are a bunch of greedy and corrrupted Malays created by the UMNO bastards who just eat and grow fat by imposing a aparteid regime! Thay want easy money and share in everything from others hard work but they themselves are lazy and laid back. Shame on these asshole in Malaysia!
Friday, February 12, 2010
These UMNO bastards who happens to join PKR for money anad power will quit once they are not being given chance to corrupt people money!
Friday, February 5, 2010
UMNO bastards riot and ran amok in Penang! What the UMNO bastard police do is to protect the rioters!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
UMNO bastard Nasir Safar called Indian illegals and Chinese women in Malaysia selling their bodies! This is the real face of UMNO bastards!
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